
Struggling to get mindfulness ‘right’? Here’s what therapist Gemma advises

This month’s theme is all about the many different ways we can be mindful, but what do we do if we feel as though we’re doing it all wrong?! In this podcast episode, I talk to integrative therapist Gemma about what to do when you’re struggling to get mindfulness ‘right’? Gemma discusses her own struggles with practising mindfulness, how mindfulness can be used in therapy (without you perhaps even realising it) and how our conditions of worth might be what’s putting pressure on us to get it all ‘right.’

As Gemma explains, you don’t need to be a ‘zen master’ or sit in a silent retreat to get the most out of mindfulness – and comparing our own journey with this practice will likely do more harm than good! Find what mindful moments work for you, whether that’s meditation, breath work, yoga, mindful eating, or just bringing your awareness to the present moment when you’re on a walk.

Further lessons

Gemma discusses some of her other lessons within this episode which you can find on The Anti-Burnout Club platform. Not a member yet? Sign up here!

Finally, you can find Gemma on Facebook and Instagram if you’d like to learn more about her services and private practice in Cheltenham.